GDPR Compliance

General Data Protection Regulation is a sacred document for us. We follow its guidelines with utmost vigilance. The policies framed by the EU are comprehensive and clearly indicate the Dos and Don’ts of moderating content.

At smartbudgetinghub, our team is made aware of data subjects’ rights to make sure that no one is harmed in any way. Even if there is a risk of the slightest breach of their right, the team is held fully accountable and is liable to bear the ramifications of their actions.

We respect the ‘right to object’ as per GDPR policies and consider it our sole responsibility not to offend anyone individually or as a part of community-based on everything that comes under the ambit of discrimination.

While we are working day and night to provide you with well-researched, up-to-date, authentic, and original content, we also realize the significance of Article 77 GDPR, which reads ‘Right to complain with a supervisory authority.’

Therefore, errors or inaccuracies, if found, can be reported.
Cookies are small text files which get sent to your browsing device by the server of the site. The main reason for having sent the data is for the site to recall your browsing history.

The primary information collected by cookies on the location is you are your browser IP address, your site usage information, the type of browser you are using and any URL link if you used a linking page. The information collected by cookies helps us improve our website based on your interests. We later analyze your use of the site for enhanced user experience.

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